Const FunctionsIndexAtom
FunctionsIndexAtom: Atom<FunctionSettings[]> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<FunctionSettings[]>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<FunctionSettings[]>, void> } & WithInitialValue<FunctionSettings[]> = ...
Const allUsersAtom
allUsersAtom: Atom<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>[]> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>[]>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>[]>, void> } & WithInitialValue<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>[]> = ...
Const altPressAtom
altPressAtom: Atom<boolean> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<boolean>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<boolean>, void> } & WithInitialValue<boolean> = ...
Const compatibleRowyRunVersionAtom
compatibleRowyRunVersionAtom: Atom<((__namedParameters: { maxVersion?: string; minVersion?: string }) => boolean)> = ...
Const confirmDialogAtom
Const createTableAtom
createTableAtom: Atom<undefined | ((settings: TableSettings, additionalSettings?: Partial<{ _initialColumns: Record<FieldType, boolean>; _schema: TableSchema; _schemaSource: string; _suggestedRules: string }>) => Promise<void>)> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<undefined | ((settings: TableSettings, additionalSettings?: Partial<{ _initialColumns: Record<FieldType, boolean>; _schema: TableSchema; _schemaSource: string; _suggestedRules: string }>) => Promise<void>)>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<undefined | ((settings: TableSettings, additionalSettings?: Partial<{ _initialColumns: Record<FieldType, boolean>; _schema: TableSchema; _schemaSource: string; _suggestedRules: string }>) => Promise<void>)>, void> } & WithInitialValue<undefined | ((settings: TableSettings, additionalSettings?: Partial<{ _initialColumns: Record<FieldType, boolean>; _schema: TableSchema; _schemaSource: string; _suggestedRules: string }>) => Promise<void>)> = ...
Const currentUserAtom
currentUserAtom: Atom<undefined | null | User> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<undefined | null | User>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<undefined | null | User>, void> } & WithInitialValue<undefined | null | User> = ...
Const customizedThemesAtom
customizedThemesAtom: Atom<{ dark: Theme; light: Theme }> = ...
Const deleteTableAtom
deleteTableAtom: Atom<undefined | ((id: string) => Promise<void>)> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<undefined | ((id: string) => Promise<void>)>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<undefined | ((id: string) => Promise<void>)>, void> } & WithInitialValue<undefined | ((id: string) => Promise<void>)> = ...
Const getTableSchemaAtom
getTableSchemaAtom: Atom<undefined | ((id: string) => Promise<TableSchema>)> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<undefined | ((id: string) => Promise<TableSchema>)>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<undefined | ((id: string) => Promise<TableSchema>)>, void> } & WithInitialValue<undefined | ((id: string) => Promise<TableSchema>)> = ...
Const globalScope
Const jsonEditorAtom
jsonEditorAtom: WritableAtom<"code" | "tree", typeof RESET | SetStateAction<"code" | "tree">, void> = ...
Const navOpenAtom
navOpenAtom: WritableAtom<boolean, typeof RESET | SetStateAction<boolean>, void> = ...
Const navPinnedAtom
navPinnedAtom: WritableAtom<boolean, typeof RESET | SetStateAction<boolean>, void> = ...
Const projectIdAtom
projectIdAtom: Atom<string> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<string>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<string>, void> } & WithInitialValue<string> = ...
Const projectRolesAtom
projectRolesAtom: Atom<string[]> = ...
Const projectSettingsAtom
projectSettingsAtom: Atom<Partial<{ rowyRunDeployStatus: "BUILDING" | "COMPLETE"; rowyRunRegion: string; rowyRunUrl: string; services: Partial<{ builder: string; hooks: string; terminal: string }>; setupCompleted: boolean; tables: TableSettings[] }>> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<Partial<{ rowyRunDeployStatus: "BUILDING" | "COMPLETE"; rowyRunRegion: string; rowyRunUrl: string; services: Partial<{ builder: string; hooks: string; terminal: string }>; setupCompleted: boolean; tables: TableSettings[] }>>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<Partial<{ rowyRunDeployStatus: "BUILDING" | "COMPLETE"; rowyRunRegion: string; rowyRunUrl: string; services: Partial<{ builder: string; hooks: string; terminal: string }>; setupCompleted: boolean; tables: TableSettings[] }>>, void> } & WithInitialValue<Partial<{ rowyRunDeployStatus: "BUILDING" | "COMPLETE"; rowyRunRegion: string; rowyRunUrl: string; services: Partial<{ builder: string; hooks: string; terminal: string }>; setupCompleted: boolean; tables: TableSettings[] }>> = ...
Const publicSettingsAtom
publicSettingsAtom: Atom<Partial<{ signInOptions: ("email" | "google" | "twitter" | "facebook" | "github" | "microsoft" | "apple" | "yahoo" | "phone" | "anonymous")[]; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions> }>> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<Partial<{ signInOptions: ("email" | "google" | "twitter" | "facebook" | "github" | "microsoft" | "apple" | "yahoo" | "phone" | "anonymous")[]; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions> }>>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<Partial<{ signInOptions: ("email" | "google" | "twitter" | "facebook" | "github" | "microsoft" | "apple" | "yahoo" | "phone" | "anonymous")[]; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions> }>>, void> } & WithInitialValue<Partial<{ signInOptions: ("email" | "google" | "twitter" | "facebook" | "github" | "microsoft" | "apple" | "yahoo" | "phone" | "anonymous")[]; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions> }>> = ...
Const rowyRunAtom
Const rowyRunLatestUpdateAtom
rowyRunLatestUpdateAtom: WritableAtom<RowyRunLatestUpdate, typeof RESET | SetStateAction<RowyRunLatestUpdate>, void> = ...
Const rowyRunModalAtom
Const rowyRunVersionAtom
rowyRunVersionAtom: Atom<Promise<string | false>> = ...
Const tableAddRowIdTypeAtom
tableAddRowIdTypeAtom: WritableAtom<"random" | "decrement" | "custom", typeof RESET | SetStateAction<"random" | "decrement" | "custom">, void> = ...
Const tableDescriptionDismissedAtom
tableDescriptionDismissedAtom: WritableAtom<string[], typeof RESET | SetStateAction<string[]>, void> = ...
Const tableOutOfOrderDismissedAtom
tableOutOfOrderDismissedAtom: WritableAtom<boolean, typeof RESET | SetStateAction<boolean>, void> = ...
Const tableSettingsDialogAtom
Const tableSettingsDialogIdAtom
tableSettingsDialogIdAtom: Atom<string> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<string>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<string>, void> } & WithInitialValue<string> = ...
Const tableSettingsDialogSchemaAtom
tableSettingsDialogSchemaAtom: Atom<Promise<TableSchema>> = ...
Const tablesAtom
tablesAtom: Atom<TableSettings[]> = ...
Const tablesViewAtom
tablesViewAtom: WritableAtom<"grid" | "list", typeof RESET | SetStateAction<"grid" | "list">, void> = ...
Const themeAtom
themeAtom: WritableAtom<"light" | "dark", typeof RESET | SetStateAction<"light" | "dark">, void> = ...
Const themeOverriddenAtom
themeOverriddenAtom: WritableAtom<boolean, typeof RESET | SetStateAction<boolean>, void> = ...
Const updateFunctionAtom
updateFunctionAtom: Atom<undefined | UpdateCollectionDocFunction<FunctionSettings>> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<undefined | UpdateCollectionDocFunction<FunctionSettings>>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<undefined | UpdateCollectionDocFunction<FunctionSettings>>, void> } & WithInitialValue<undefined | UpdateCollectionDocFunction<FunctionSettings>> = ...
Const updateProjectSettingsAtom
updateProjectSettingsAtom: Atom<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ rowyRunDeployStatus: "BUILDING" | "COMPLETE"; rowyRunRegion: string; rowyRunUrl: string; services: Partial<{ builder: string; hooks: string; terminal: string }>; setupCompleted: boolean; tables: TableSettings[] }>>> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ rowyRunDeployStatus: "BUILDING" | "COMPLETE"; rowyRunRegion: string; rowyRunUrl: string; services: Partial<{ builder: string; hooks: string; terminal: string }>; setupCompleted: boolean; tables: TableSettings[] }>>>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ rowyRunDeployStatus: "BUILDING" | "COMPLETE"; rowyRunRegion: string; rowyRunUrl: string; services: Partial<{ builder: string; hooks: string; terminal: string }>; setupCompleted: boolean; tables: TableSettings[] }>>>, void> } & WithInitialValue<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ rowyRunDeployStatus: "BUILDING" | "COMPLETE"; rowyRunRegion: string; rowyRunUrl: string; services: Partial<{ builder: string; hooks: string; terminal: string }>; setupCompleted: boolean; tables: TableSettings[] }>>> = ...
Const updatePublicSettingsAtom
updatePublicSettingsAtom: Atom<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ signInOptions: ("email" | "google" | "twitter" | "facebook" | "github" | "microsoft" | "apple" | "yahoo" | "phone" | "anonymous")[]; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions> }>>> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ signInOptions: ("email" | "google" | "twitter" | "facebook" | "github" | "microsoft" | "apple" | "yahoo" | "phone" | "anonymous")[]; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions> }>>>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ signInOptions: ("email" | "google" | "twitter" | "facebook" | "github" | "microsoft" | "apple" | "yahoo" | "phone" | "anonymous")[]; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions> }>>>, void> } & WithInitialValue<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ signInOptions: ("email" | "google" | "twitter" | "facebook" | "github" | "microsoft" | "apple" | "yahoo" | "phone" | "anonymous")[]; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions> }>>> = ...
Const updateTableAtom
: Atom<undefined | ((settings
: MinimumTableSettings, additionalSettings
?: Partial<{ _initialColumns
: Record<FieldType, boolean>; _schema
: TableSchema; _schemaSource
: string; _suggestedRules
: string }>) => Promise<void>)> & { onMount
?: OnMount<SetStateAction<undefined | ((settings
: MinimumTableSettings, additionalSettings
?: Partial<{ _initialColumns
: Record<FieldType, boolean>; _schema
: TableSchema; _schemaSource
: string; _suggestedRules
: string }>) => Promise<void>)>, void>; write
: Write<SetStateAction<undefined | ((settings
: MinimumTableSettings, additionalSettings
?: Partial<{ _initialColumns
: Record<FieldType, boolean>; _schema
: TableSchema; _schemaSource
: string; _suggestedRules
: string }>) => Promise<void>)>, void> } & WithInitialValue<undefined | ((settings
: MinimumTableSettings, additionalSettings
?: Partial<{ _initialColumns
: Record<FieldType, boolean>; _schema
: TableSchema; _schemaSource
: string; _suggestedRules
: string }>) => Promise<void>)> = ...Const updateUserAtom
updateUserAtom: Atom<undefined | UpdateCollectionDocFunction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>>> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<undefined | UpdateCollectionDocFunction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>>>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<undefined | UpdateCollectionDocFunction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>>>, void> } & WithInitialValue<undefined | UpdateCollectionDocFunction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>>> = ...
Const updateUserSettingsAtom
updateUserSettingsAtom: Atom<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>>> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>>>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>>>, void> } & WithInitialValue<undefined | UpdateDocFunction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>>> = ...
Const userRolesAtom
userRolesAtom: Atom<string[]> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<string[]>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<string[]>, void> } & WithInitialValue<string[]> = ...
Const userSettingsAtom
userSettingsAtom: Atom<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>> & { onMount?: OnMount<SetStateAction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>>, void>; write: Write<SetStateAction<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>>, void> } & WithInitialValue<Partial<{ _rowy_ref: TableRowRef; favoriteTables: string[]; roles: string[]; tables: Record<string, Partial<{ filters: TableFilter[]; hiddenFields: string[]; sorts: TableSort[] }>>; theme: Record<"base" | "light" | "dark", ThemeOptions>; user: { displayName?: string; email: string; phoneNumber?: string; photoURL?: string } }>> = ...
Additional table settings that can be passed to write functions but are not written to the settings document